Traffic Citation Defense

We represent all drivers at affordable prices. We know points and insurance rates can affect everyday drivers just as much as professional drivers. Our firm is dedicated to traffic ticket defense and we have over 15 years of experience, so you are in excellent hands with us. If you are out of state, or are just busy with work, we can even appear in court without you. As traffic ticket attorneys we defend the following violations and many more:

  • Failure to stop for a school bus
  • Speeding in a school zone
  • Speeding, speeding over 31 mph, and speeding in work a zone
  • Driving under suspension 1543(a) and 1543(b)
  • PennDOT license suspensions


Q: What is the penalty for passing a school bus with flashing red lights in PA?

A. 5 points and a 60 day license suspension, but we can help clients get a reduction that can save their licenses.

Q: As an attorney, can you appear in court without me?
A. Yes, we can appear without you under PA Criminal Procedure rules (some judges may not permit this).

Q: I was stopped for speeding, should I plead guilty?
A: Never plead guilty to any offense without first checking the consequences. Speeding over 31 mph can result in a suspension or departmental hearing. Call us before pleading guilty to any offense.

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