CDL Defense

As CDL attorneys, we know that you need to keep your driving record clean to protect your insurance and stay on the road. We strive to reduce CDL and CSA penalties in every case. We work hard to get our clients non-moving violations and we check out of state drivers' CDL points to ensure a good result. We defend truckers for the following violations and more:

  •  Speeding in work zones
  •  Overweight violations
  •  ELD and out of service criteria
  •  Obedience to traffic control devices


Q: Can a CDL ticket be reduced to a non-moving violation?
A: Yes. PA has several non-moving violations that may apply to your case.  

Q: Will a PA ticket be reported to my home state CDL?
A: Yes, PA reports convictions to other driver compact states.

Q: How do you help with CSA scores?
A: By identifying PA charges with high severity scores and seeking any and all available reductions in court- including non-moving violations.

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